First off, happy new year to everyone! I was hoping to start off 2011 with something a bit cooler than "oops we messed up and now we're recalling some stuff"... but sometimes you just gotta live with it!
Thanks to our very awesome customers for bringing this to our attention, we've realized that there's a big buggy error with the macaron boxes and candy dishes/jars sold through our tea shop on the Herman Melville sim. Although these objects are supposed to give you unlimited cookies/candies when touched, some of the cookies/candies inside the objects have been accidentally set to no copy. As a result, they're depleted from the source object after you touch it a few times!
So, please please PLEASE send an IM to Quinlan Quimby ASAP if you have one of these buggy items purchased before January 4, 2011. We're working to fix the bug and replace your purchase as soon as we can.
Though your baby ain't choking (as is almost always the case when merchandise is recalled in RL) when you're stuff's broken in SL that ain't no joking, either (please ignore the bad attempt at rhyming)!
Thanks a million,
ティーショップで販売されている「マカロンボックス」と「キャンディーディッシュ」の件でご迷惑をお掛けし、誠に申し訳ございませんでした。私達、 TOSLは原因を調査して、この二つの商品の中でバグを見つかりました。2011/1/4前、この二つの商品を買ってしまいましたのお客様、 Quinlan QuimbyにIMを送りしてください。
Quinlan Quimbyより